Afficient Consulting Book Recommendations

Amy has been reading and sharing book nuggets for quite some time now. As a lover of sharing learnings and helping others level up in both business and life, here are some books that she recommends you to read!

Fix This Next

Make the Vital Change That Will Level Up Your Business

By Mike Michalowicz

Start reading…

Buy Back Your Time

Get Unstuck, Reclaim Your Freedom, and Build Your Empire

by Dan Martell

Amy’s Key 3

  1. The little known secret to reaching the next stage of your business is spending time on only tasks that:
    • You excel at
    • You truly enjoy
    • Add the highest value to your business
  2. The BuyBack Principle: Don’t hire to grow your business. Hire to buy back your time.
  3. …Our passion is where our marketplace value lies. The more we give ourselves permission to clear our calendar to invest in projects that light us up, the more our business will grow.

Is it time for you to start buying your time back? Start reading…


Create time, reduce errors and scale your profits with proven business systems

By David Jenyns

Amy’s Key 3

  1. Business is simply a game of problem solving.
  2. Systems create space, and space opens doors to creativity, inspiration and opportunity.
  3. Instead of the business forcing you to conform to its will, you should be able to shape your business to conform to your will.

Want to learn more about creating time and upscaling your profits? Start reading…

The E-Myth Revisited

Why Most Small Businesses Don’t Work and What to Do About It

By Michael E. Gerber

Amy’s Key 3

  1. The purpose of a system is to free you to do the things you want to do.
  2. Standards create the energy by which the best companies and the most effective people produce results.
  3. People do not simply want to work for exciting people. They want to work for people who have created a clearly designed structure for acting in the world. A structure for which they can test themselves and be tested.

You can do big things when you start small. Start reading to learn more.

Profit First

Transform Your Business from a Cash-Eating Monster to a Money-Making Machine

By Mike Michalowicz

Amy’s Key 3

  1. You are no longer asking “How can I make my business bigger?” You are asking, “How can I make my business better?”
  2. For some people having an accountability partner who knows the ins and outs of their industry who can guide them step by step is a better approach.
  3. The bottom line is this: Don’t cut your salary to make the numbers work. The goal of every business is health, and that is achieved through efficiency.

Bonus takeaway: When less money is available to run your business, you will find ways to get the same or better results with less. By taking your profit first, you will be forced to think smarter and innovate more.

Ready to better your biz? Start reading…

2 Second Lean

How to Grow People and Build a Fun Lean Culture

By Paul A. Akers

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The 5 Languages of Appreciation in the Workplace

Empowering Organizations by Encouraging People

By Gary Chapman

Amy’s Key 3

  1. Business owners are one of the loneliest groups in the workforce.
  2. Start somewhere with someone.
  3. The need for feeling valued and appreciated is universal.

Bonus takeaway: 51% of managers believe they are doing a good job of recognizing employees for work well done. But only 17% of their employees agree.

Want to learn more about the 5 languages of appreciation? Start reading…

The Gap and The Gain

The High Achievers’ Guide to Happiness, Confidence, and Success

By Dan Sullivan

Amy’s Key 3

  1. Everything in life happens for you, not to you.
  2. What you do during the hour before bed sets the tone for the rest of your life.
  3. …You should always be outgrowing your former self.

One of my favorite books that changed the outlook I have for life. Start reading…


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